WoL? WoD? Maybe just some hero?

An assorted collection of OCs

"There's nothing wrong with loving as many people as you can!"

A Hellsguard mercenary and a personal friend of Rosalyn Valens, Chivalrous Daisy combines a tough girl demeanor with a desire to be, well, if you must know, a princess. Despite being a Warrior by trade and path, Daisy's truest aspiration in life is to experience what it's like to be such a thing. To care for subjects, to dress fancy, to feel loved and appreciated.

Daisy is not known for her intelligence, but is very much known for her compassionate heart and her defense of the feelings of others. "Strong of arm, dumb of ass" is a fitting descriptor for her, though her biggest surprise occurred at the Nadaam during the events of Stormblood. There, again coming to her friends' aid, she was pushed to the brink by the great number of competitors and their jeers. There, in the Azim Steppe, one thing became very clear.

If the Inner Beast is tempered and controlled by love, then Chivalrous Daisy is one of the most terrifyingly powerful Warriors to have ever swung an axe. It was there the Xaela who witnessed her combat prowess gave her a name fitting of the desires of her heart: The Iron Princess.

Though she is technically single, she is an unrepentant pansexual, often courted by a Xaela named Sarangerel, and possibly polyamorous.

"Come closer. Maybe if you keep talking it'll undo some of that stupidity you blabbed earlier."

Grymwyb Lelogwyn never expected to get into the hero business. She'd been Miss Shakedown, collecting debts from people who believed themselves clever. She'd been a sellsword, both present and effective at countless battles. She'd even been a monster hunter, studying various types of beasts carefully and collecting big payouts for not only exterminating them, but doing so in a methodical way that didn't screw up the surrounding area.

All that changed when she met Veis. Arrgh. Suddenly she had someone who was more than a bed warmer, she was sweet, she was charismatic, she made Grymwyb give a damn. It is the must infuriating thing ever to have to be the hero, but it seems to make this Viera girl happy, and so Grymwyb reluctantly turned her attention to protecting her, to trying to be more than simply the scary woman (or more accurately, the "cruel woman" in the Sea Wolf tongue).

Grymwyb has a very dominant and assertive personality, preferring to take the lead and get her way rather than cede the road, even to the point of clashing with the law. It is, however, tempered by an acute sense of justice and a sense of kindness, however rough and prickly it manifests.

"Only love can kill me."

Tell me if this sounds familiar: Astrid was discovered in critical condition, alone and dying, by a Viera named Rosmet, out there in the Greatwood. Cold, scrawny, and starving, there wasn't much for the Viis to work with. Nevertheless, she raised this elfling as a daughter, teaching her how to hunt, fight, and survive. Sadly, there was little she could do for the other child with her.

But you'd be surprised how far a Viis upbringing can bring a scrawny elf girl. Where her brother from the Source was stoic, Astrid was sanguine. She fought and cackled, delighting in pain and violence rather than flinching away from it. It would take the influence of her mother and the Night's Blessed to give Astrid anything to offset her "cheerful nihilism" about life.

And then there was the girl from the Crystarium, with the tanned skin, the infectious smile, and the fisherman's art. This woman would absolutely smite Astrid, who'd long sought her complement. For once Astrid was more than surviving, she was happy.

But then the Scions came, with Eulmore after them. It was in the middle of the conflict with her religion's enemies that she'd encounter the brother that, though he'd died in this world, was alive in another. And now he was here. And he was one of the Warriors of Light.

And just as she'd regained him, Emet-Selch nearly took him away again. And when he and his friends from the Source left, Astrid realized she could follow...

"There's not a thing I don't cherish."

Born the only son in a family with 4 daughters, Dacien grew up in a curious place: a Duskwight research colony located underneath the earth in Gyr Abania. In this sense he is Gyr Abanian, though he associated little with the people that lived on the surface.

This existence, dominated primarily by research into pacifist-leaning Magitek Engineering would not last. Summoned to a meeting with Garlean researchers, the colony was presented with an offer to join in exchange for great prestige. Ultimately rejecting this choice, the colony's Overseer declared that they'd never help a militarist empire use their inventions to hurt and oppress others. This eventually resulted in retaliation by the Garleans, who deduced the location of the colony thanks to information provided by a traitor within.

By the time the "bunker buster" bombing ended, Dacien was left the only survivor. Traumatized, dazed, and dying. If it were not for the sudden glimpse of Hydaelyn and the intervention of the Viera woman that would eventually become his best friend, he wouldn't have survived.

A curious thing, that. Survival is what Dacien is famous for.